On Wednesday 11th November 2009 my wife and I accepted an invitation to a service to mark the passing of the World War One Generation It was a most wonderful occasion to be invited to.
The first General Committee meeting of 2009 was held on 5th February. This was precedeed by a meeting of the newly appointed Welfare Committee.
Royal British Legion welcomes new welfare secretary
The Lyme Regis branch of the Royal British Legion has a new welfare secretary, Ania Driver, who succeeds Bill Reed after over 50 years of service to the branch. Mr. Reed continues to play an important role in the branch as a valuable committee member, honorary Vice President and advisor to Mrs. Driver to ensure a smooth transition.
The Welfare secretary is arguably the most important position on the branch committee as the welfare of beneficiaries ie Service personnel, Veterans or dependant family members, is at the core of all Royal British Legion activity.
Ania herself comes from a military background in that she served with the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Navy Nursing service for four years and is the widow of Royal Marine Terry Driver who saw active service in the,Northern Ireland and Cyprus.
Should any beneficiary feel in need of assistance from the branch, Ania can be contacted by mobile on 07971 631380. There are a number of ways in which the branch can assist its beneficiaries including hospital transport, hospital/home visits, financial support and advice. Mrs. Driver’s cheerful determination will ensure that as much as possible will be provided to assist confidentially any beneficiary
The Branch welcomed guest speaker Beverley Harrison, the Dorset County Secretary. Beverley gave a summary of the the Dorset Annual Conference and presented the Medium Branch Poppy Appeal Cup to the 2008 Poppy Appeal Organiser, Angela Manners. The Cup is awarded to the Branch which has shown the largest annual increase in donations to the Poppy Appeal.