Dear Mr.,Ms.
In Margraten (Holland) is a large WWII cementry. In 2005 I adopted the burial place of Orson Wareham of 1st divison 16th infantry. Mr. Wareham entered the war in 1942 and died in Germany on the 8th of April 1945. Naturely I have become interested in the 16th infantry and try to collect infomation to see whether it is possible to know more about Orson Wareham. I know that Orson Wareham was of the first Battalion (C Company) and was therefore stationed in Lyme Regis. I contacted the family in America and got a picture of Orson. I included it in the e-mail.
I am planning to visit Lyme Regis during the Eastern holiday. I bought a book written by Robin Pearce. I read in it:
C Company was billeted in houses and hotels in the town. When they first arrived they spent two weeks in tents. The headquaters of C Company were on the corner of Silver Street and Woodmead Road. The house now has a plaque on the wall which was placed there by John Bistrica from Youngstown, Ohio, and Frederick Erben from Lindenhurst, New York. They had both become very attached to the people of the town and still exchange visits.
Maybe I was hoping you can get me in touch with local people still in touch with some veterans in America. I am therefore most thankful to you for any information. I send you a copy of certifacte of the burial place as proof and a picture of the burial place.
Kind regards,

Patrick Wouters
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