Sunday, 30 May 2010

A weekend many years ago. there are no pictures in this story it does not need them

Attacked by an enemy on land and sea this weekend many years ago at Dunkirk. A fleet of small ships left these shores to bring home some of our forces that were left stranded on the beaches of France. Many families have a story to tell about the heroism and loss that weekend. My family is one of them. My eldest brother a warrant office in the army had walked to the beach with many others during the night and all day.He then got into the water and headed for the boats that had come to rescue them which eventually they did. Not until years later did he find out that he had waded passed the boat that my other brother, who is still with us I am glad to say was in the navy picking up anyone they could.The Royal Eagle paddle steamer was the boat. Over 300.00 thousand were saved with this armada of boats something this nation should not forget the debt we owe to them. The attack was continuously it was a most remarkable escape.At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

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